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Traductions demandées - Jane Arapawe

Langue de départ
Langue d'arrivée

Resultats 1 - 4 sur un total d'environ 4
Langue de départ
Anglais Hello Friend! How are you? I send a mail a few...
Hello Friend! How are you? I send a mail a few days, but not if I arrive to you so that I do not have answer of you. Greetings.
Your friend Jane

Traductions terminées
Suédois Hej min vän !
Langue de départ
Anglais Have a great Happy Birthday!
Friend when you come to visit to us
how it's your life in Finland
Have a great Happy Birthday!
Best wishes for ever!

Traductions terminées
Finnois Oikein hyvää syntymäpäivää